Kaohsiung Medical University Bilingual Teaching Program
Achievement Report
for 111 Academic Year
Unit: College of Medicine
Name of activity
EMI Observation Skills and Peer Observaion Follow-up activity
Date :
Time :
12:00 PM-13:30 PM
Place :
International Academic Research Building
Target :
Teachers of college of medicine
Number of participants :
30 (Average number of participants per game.)
1. Activity focus and purpose :
The community aims to continuously promote a teacher development community focused on peer observation of teaching practices. Through the operation of the community, it aims to establish stability and cultivate a core team of teachers in our school who engage in classroom observations.
2. Activity features and implementation :
The learning theory and institutional operation of peer observation for teacher professional development.
Peer classroom observation integrates observational, experiential, and active learning theories, fostering teaching growth through collaborative observation and discussions. Effective implementation requires structured planning, guidelines, and a supportive environment.
Observation techniques with the goal of teachers' self-growth.
Highlighting the effectiveness of peer classroom observation as a key component of the observation system, this discussion focuses on the theme of teachers' personal growth through the application of observation techniques. The aim is to explore and research how these techniques can enhance teachers' professional development.
Observation Practice (Part 1): Peer observation of lecture-style classes.
This event simulates lecture-style classrooms for teachers to practice classroom observation and peer feedback. After the practice sessions, participants will discuss their experiences and provide suggestions for the observation system.。
Observation Practice (Part 2): Peer observation of EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) courses.
This event simulates lecture-style classrooms for teachers to practice classroom observation and peer feedback. After the practice sessions, participants will discuss their experiences and provide suggestions for the observation system.
3. Quality indicators of activities
- Well-planned event with a great learning experience!
- Learned valuable teaching techniques through the observation forms provided by the teacher training program.
- The last two observation practice sessions were exciting and impressive!
4. Activity Highlights



