Kaohsiung Medical University Bilingual Teaching Program

Achievement Report

for 112 Academic Year

UnitCollege of Medicine

Name of activity

College of Medicine EMI TOEIC Preparation Course for Students

Date :


Time :


Place :

International Academic Research Building at the 4th floor Discussion Room 1+2 (IR459+458)International Academic Research Building at the 2th floor IR203

Target :

Students from the College of Medicine

Number of participants :


1.      Activity focus and purpose:

To enhance the motivation of medical school students to take English language proficiency tests and help them improve their English proficiency, and adapt to an all-English teaching environment, this program is specifically designed.

2.      Quality indicators of activities


Average Satisfaction (5.0 points = 100%)

1. Is the time of the course convenient for you?

4.79 95.7%

2. How do you like the course?

4.86 97.1%

3. Does this introduction help you improve your learning skills?

4.93 98.6%

4. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with this course?

4.93 98.6%

Overall Satisfaction

4.88 97.5%

Please share your comments or suggestions with us to improve our future workshops

1.  Great, Please continue to hold more.

2.  Very good.

3.  Very attentive, the teacher explains very clearly.

4.  No suggestions~ The teacher teaches very well~ The EMI group is also excellent Great job everyone, you've worked hard.


3.      Activity Highlights

112 1多益成果照片 1

112 1多益成果照片 2

The class situation.

The class situation.

112 1多益成果照片 3

112 1多益成果照片 4

English listening practice.

English listening practice.

112 1多益成果照片 5

112 1多益成果照片 6

The class situation.

The class situation.

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