Kaohsiung Medical University Bilingual Teaching Program

Achievement Report

for 112 Academic Year

UnitCollege of Pharmacy

Name of activity

Interprofessional Education series

Date :


Time :

Depends on the activities

Place :

Interactive classrooms in KMU campus (CS201, N334, N632)

Target :

Students in College of Nursing and College of Pharmacy

Number of participants :


1.      Activity focus and purpose:

The series contained 6 IPE case discussion activities and other culture experience activities to provide students with the opportunity to learn and practice their international and interprofession communication skills. There were 5 nursing students and 2 pharmacy students from UAMS, and 2 nursing students from Mahidol University joined the activity with 37 nursing students and 19 pharmacy students. The students exhibited friendly and respectful attitudes toward colleagues from different culture and professionals. They also dedicated to the communication and interactions to ensure the simulated patient was properly cared.

2.      Activity features and implementation:

Due to the time conflicts between the students from different professionals, the activities are often hold in the evening. Yet, the students are all actively participate in the discussion. They build mutual understanding and friendship along the series of activities.

3.      Quality indicators of activities:


平均滿意度 (滿分5=100%

1.Safisfaction toward the dates and time of the activities


2.Safisfactions toward the content and ways the activities are proceeded


3. The advance in English mediated learning and teaching


4. Overall satisfaction toward the activity



1.      練習英文和了解團隊溝通

2.      很開心能認識國外的朋友,也能和他們一起交流、討論

3.      感謝老師們安排這次的課程,對於這次使用全英文的方式進行臨床照護,我覺得學習到很多。

4.      在此次活動當中,有一個很好的機會能夠與外國學生以及護理系的學生進行交流,從中了解到不管是文化上或是專業上不同的想法,同時學習到如何與人溝通,總體上在這堂課學習到很多。

5.      藉由跨領域的活動,搭配雙語學習,感覺更能加深課程的印象。

6.      很難得的機會可以跟國際學生交流,不只學習各國學生在不同教育體制下的思維,也可以獲得各國在職場或實習的相關經驗分享,增加國際視野

7.      跟護理系、外國學生一起交流很有趣,學到不同觀點,主要是訓練如何用英文做專業知識的交流

8.      可以試著說英文,且了解國外照護環境很有趣。

9.      很棒,謝謝老師

10.  希望每年可以有這樣的活動參加。


1.      討論題目內很多護理照護或靈性問題,較難表達,且比較難提供專業意見

2.      針對兩系討論題目 我覺得重複度很高 有些題目普遍沒有多樣化答案 可以不用討論兩次

3.      時間安排可以提早說明~因為是晚上所以難免會比較疲累,如果能有其他時間會更好~

4.      Activity Highlights



Simulation Teaching

Explaining the Procedure



Testing Process

Interprofessional group discussion

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