Kaohsiung Medical University Bilingual Teaching Program
Achievement Report
for 111 Academic Year
Unit: Teaching and Learning Development and Resource Center
Name of activity |
The teaching observation activity of EMI Peer Observation of Teaching (POT) |
Date |
May 31, 2023 (Wednesday) |
Time |
10:00-13:30 |
Place |
IR 202, 2F, International Academic Research Building |
Target |
Teachers who are interested in teaching observation |
Number of participants |
2 |
1. Activity focus and purpose : In order to continue developing the teaching observation activities of Peer Observation of Teaching (POT), a mechanism is administered for teachers to learn and advance by means of teaching peer observation, and POT is practiced to establish a process mechanism of teaching observation. The observers are provided with the opportunity of direct peer classroom observation wherein they, as learners, grasp the operation along with the merits and demerits of different teaching methods and give themselves the chance to reflect on their own courses. The observed are, on the other hand, offered objective information to realize their actual teaching situations and problems.
2. Activity features and implementation : (1) Course introduction: Deciphering of Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology (EMI) is a newly opened elective course for freshmen at the Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology. Through the chronicle of biomedical evolution, students would be step by step led, from the discovery of DNA and how to prove that it is genetic material, to the most advanced gene editing technology and the issues of human cloning. In addition to using traditional classroom teaching to teach students relevant knowledge, the course also used multimodal pedagogy, integrating visual aids, problem- and task-oriented approaches, group discussions, etc. to enhance students' interest in learning and to improve their English listening and speaking skills. (2) Course feature: a. With the release of Jurassic Park in 1993, gene recombination and replication biotechnology were brought out. Before the class, students were asked to watch the Jurassic Park movie (English pronunciation, full English subtitles), and study lists were given to them so as to discuss the theoretical basis, experimental operation, possibility, impact on the environment, and ethical issues of reproducing extinct animals. b. Relevant knowledge would be taught by way of lecture in class, and students would be allowed to discuss in groups and make oral reports in the rest of the time. (3) Instructions to the observing teachers: a. The definition of "multimodal pedagogy" can be briefly described as "expressing and communicating meaning through multiple teaching modes". In addition to traditional, single lectures and written materials, teachers can use other resources to teach lessons, such as using visual materials (including images, charts, cartoons, etc.) and multimedia resources on the Internet, like videos on YouTube. Furthermore, "multimodal pedagogy" emphasizes inquiry-based learning, for example, exercising classroom activities of experiments, operations, and problem- and task orientation. Teachers' body language, such as demonstrating or assisting explanations through gestures and movements, is also an important part of "multimodal pedagogy". Creating a delicate, rich, and lively learning context and situation with multiple and compound teaching methods make students and teachers jointly construct knowledge. It also can specifically improve student participation, benefit their learning attitude and motivation, and help them understand subject content and language use and output. Scholars, experts, and a number of empirical studies have pointed out that "multimodal pedagogy" has a positive impact on the teaching and learning of EMI courses. b. There were three teaching objectives of this course: (a) To equip students with specialized knowledge of the biomedical topics taught and discussed in the course; (b) To enable students to fully communicate, discuss and report in English in the classroom, and to be familiar with the English language in the professional field; and (c) To improve students' motivation and effectiveness in learning professional knowledge (like participating in EMI courses) in English. |
3. Activity Highlights |
Figure 1: Introduction |
Figure 2: Lecture |
Figure 3: POT |
Figure 4: Discussion |